
Light Walker Fotona Hard and Soft Tissue Laser

Light Walker Fotona Hard and Soft Tissue Laser

Laser in dentistry have many uses it can be used in Soft as well as Hard tissue. Dental Montreal Team is privileged to be in concurrence with the latest in Diode Laser technology it is never been easier to do frenectomy, tooth lengthening, gum overgrowth surgeries.

With the New Technology of Er:Yag we are able to make cavities for adults and children without the use of anesthetics.

Why Use a Laser?

One of the many benefits of laser its ability to cauterize the operative site so there is not bleeding after surgery, no need for stitches and minimal pain after the procedure.

To make cavities and treat severe periodontal condition without surgery with the use of different type of wave lengths

What kind of tissue Laser do we use?

We use the Light Walker Laser from Fotona  one of the excellent tissue laser in the market with minimal undesired tissue response and maximum control over the laser.

Fotona was the first manufacturer to introduce two complementary laser wavelengths (Er:YAG and Nd:YAG) in a single system 

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