
THOR Laser

THOR Laser

Thor Laser Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).
Improves tissue repair, reduce pain and inflammation.
Usage in Dentistry:

Dental Pain – Analgesic effect

Equine Dental Pain: Analgesia
Equine Dental Soft Tissue Healing
Post Oral Surgery / Implant healing
Orthodontic tooth movement
Post tooth / 3rd molar extraction healing
Inferior Alveolar nerve neuropathy
TMD / TMJD / temporomandibular joint disorder
Periodontal Disease
Dentin Regeneration
Root Canal Treatment
Oral stomatitis
Vital Pulp Therapy
Post Implant osseointegration
Lingual neuropathy
BRONJ, ONJ, Osteoradionecrosis, Osteonecrosis
Dentin Hypersensitivity
Xerostomia and Hyposalivation
Oral mucositis
Aphthous ulcer
Oral Lichen Planus
Head and neck lymphedema
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Jaw fracture
Bell’s Palsy
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